Tom Crean’s Birth Date – Crean’s Day
Crean’s Day
Only a matter of days before I launched this website in December 2014, Tim Foley from the Kerry Airport Should Be Renamed Tom Crean Airport campaign group, contacted me with a surprising piece of information, regarding Tom Crean’s date of birth.
On the websites Tom Crean page I had stated that Tom was born on July 20th 1877, and should you pick up any publication, relating to the Unsung Hero, it will no doubt quote the same date, as it was always assumed that this was his birthday.
That is until Aileen O Brien d’Arcy – Tom Crean’s granddaughter, contacted Kay Caball of Find Your Kerry Ancestors, and tasked her with tracing Toms ancestors.
It was during this search that Kay located Tom Crean’s birth certificate, and discovered that he was in fact born on the family farm at Gurtacurrane, on February 25th 1877. His birth was not registered until 11th March at Dingle’s Superintendent Register’s Office.
Crean’s Day Poll
From hereon I think, and propose that February 25th should be known as Crean’s Day.
Do you agree?
Should we refer to February 25th as Crean's Day? Total Voters: 73
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Find Your Kerry Ancestors
You can check out Kay Caball’s article about her research into Tom Crean’s family, by accessing the link below.
Tracing Tom Crean’s Ancestors – Find Your Kerry Ancestors
Tom Crean’s granddaughter, Aileen O Brien d’Arcy, runs the Tom Crean Fish & Wine Restaurant in Kenmare.
Tom Crean Fish & Wine | & Accommodation
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